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NNO-Policy TrendChart produced 'mini country reports' for each of the 48 countries monitored by the network of country correspondents in the second half of 2011. The mini country reports had the objective to furnish three analytical reports with country specific information: a trend report on innovation policy in the EU, an overview report on innovation funding in the EU and an analytical thematic report on demand-side innovation policies. Attached please find the mini-country report for Bosnia ...
INNO-Policy TrendChart produced 'mini country reports' for each of the 48 countries monitored by the network of country correspondents in the second half of 2011. The mini country reports had the objective to furnish three analytical reports with country specific information: a trend report on innovation policy in the EU, an overview report on innovation funding in the EU and an analytical thematic report on demand-side innovation policies. Attached please find the mini-country report for FYR ...
... measures which encompass around 75% of the total budget for 2010 regarding measures that support innovation policy in the country. The measure ELSR which had the largest budget in 2010 (61% of the total budget for all measures that support innovation policy in the country) was focused on the HEI. Montenegro After gaining independence in May 2006 Montenegro is still in the process of establishing research and innovation policy and structures. The legal and institutional frameworks for stimulating innovation are yet to be established. To date, three strategic documents have been adopted, reflecting the future national strategy for innovation: the Strategy for Scientific Research Activities 2008-2016 (including an ...
... Balkan states' territory from December 1, 2011 untill September 30, 2012. The organizers are looking for 100 young people, students or university graduates, age between 18-30 years, resident in one of the EU countries or Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo under UN Security Council Resolution 1244, Montenegro, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia), interested to join them in a exciting project. All the costs related to accommodation, meals, free time events and handbooks are going to be covered by the organisers. Also, travel expenditures will be reimbursed based on the two ways tickets/ copy of ...
This new edition of the Guide to EU-Funding opportunities includes a full up-to-date picture of the three sources of funding described in the initial Guide (7th Research Framework Programme, Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme and Structural Funds) completed by information on the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development and on the European Fisheries Fund. It also focuses on additional funding opportunities in the field of research and innovation. It includes information ...
... background reports on Energy research prepared in WP2. The reports are available below. The exhibition was supported in the frame of WP5. VIDEOS at the UNU-Maastricht's channel: WBC-INCO.NET at E2C Maastricht Mirza Kusljugic: Member of Parliament, Bosnia and Herzegovina Dragoslava Stojiljkovic: University of Belgrade Rene Wintjes: UNU-MERIT Nikola Vujosevic: Montenegro Directorate for Development of SMEs Link to the event website: This biennial European Energy Conference series, launched in 2010, promotes, consolidates and communicates the vitally necessary synergy of scientific and technical competence with knowledge on environmental and social implications. The conference provided participants with a view and ...
... in the applications, but have to be treated as Third Country partners together with remaining WBC. More information are available at Based on the information from the Application and selection procedures Call 2012 (EAC/27/11), organisations from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro have confirmed their intention to participate in the Lifelong Learning Programme as LLP  participating countries only as of 2013. Thus, they can continue to participate in the 2012 Call for proposals under the provisions laid out for Third Country participation in the above mentioned document. Croatia already belongs to ...
... systems. Croatia and Serbia belong to first group which develops a complex innovation systems, yet not fully functional in all parts. Their role and activities will be crucial for the development of regional cooperation within the WB region. B&H and FYR Macedonia and Montenegro form the second group of countries which are lagging behind the leading countries. They are rather familiar with the development of some component of NIS (e.g. research systems) but they are beginners (or moderate) in other components especially those related to science-industry cooperation. The third group ...
In order to promote particularly the good practices from the target region of the Western Balkans we decided to present them in a printed booklet and to share them with policy makers all over Europe. As part of WBC-INCO.NET’s Work Package (WP) 8 on Innovation support, a number of good practice examples of programmes, instruments and measures aiming at supporting innovation activities have been collected and compiled in Deliverable D8.50. The examples are presented in two parts: the first part ...
... billion. Assistance given to candidate countries and potential candidates in 2011, including both national and cross-border cooperation programmes: IPA 2011 allocations (in current prices; million €) Albania 94.43 Bosnia and Herzegovina 107.43 Croatia 156.53 Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 98.03 Iceland 12.00 Kosovo 68.70 Montenegro 34.15 Serbia 201.88 Turkey 779.90 Multi-beneficiary programme (*) 186.27 Total 1 739.32 (*) Allocation for transition assistance and institution building, excluding cross-border cooperation. Assistance to the Turkish Cypriot community for social and economic development in 2011 was €28 million. ...
... CERES fellowships have a duration of 12 months and are addressed to experienced researchers (researchers already in possession of a PhD or having at least 4 years of professional research experience) from CEI Member States (Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine). Deadline: April 30, 2012 ...
71% Chamber of Economy of Montenegro Organisation 21. Feb. 2012
The Parliament Magazine published on February 20, 2012 covers several pages on the enlargement of the European Union. The Parliament Magazine
... in the best cost-efficient way. Please note:  An application shall not address more than one Axis. If partners are interested in both axes, they will have to submit two separate applications. WBC Participation: IPA partners: The partners from candidate and potential candidate countries participating to the MED programme (Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Albania) can participate to this call for projects under the integrated management of ERDF and IPA funds. The global budget of IPA funds allocated to the MED programme between 2010-2013 is 5,4M€ and it will be used without country-specific allocation, to finance the participation of IPA partners ...
31% Economics Institute Banja Organisation 16. Feb. 2012
... on social aspects of new tariff system in electricity consumption. With political and economic stabilization, the Institute has resumed the cooperation with research and consulting institutions in Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad, with several projects which have already been jointly implemented with institutions from Sweden, Norway, Serbia, Montenegro etc. Newly established economic system and overall stabilization of circumstances have shifted the Institute toward ownership and organizational restructuring, and in 2001 it was transformed into the join-stock company. Achieved development level and project references are the basis for future development of the Institute being the leading research and consulting ...
... The Energy Pre-Check will start in 2012 and will be provided by the Chambers of Commerce in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.Energy Pre-check (part of an energy audit) Experts from the Chambers of Commerce will guide businesses in their regions of competence along the path of outlining an efficient energy use strategy. Energy pre-check offers selected companies in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and ...
... Habitat Forests Fisheries Agriculture Climate Change Environmental Performance Index– Ranking & Scores (p.11) EPI Rank WB countries: (out of 132 countries) Albania: 15 (Top 10 Trend Index Performers) Bosnia & Herzegovina: 129 (Lowest 10 Trend Index Decliners) Croatia: 20 FYR of Macedonia: 97 Kosovo (UNSCR 1244): n.a. Montenegro: n.a Serbia: 103 (data for Serbia and Montenegro)
The purpose of this document is to map, for the first time, in Tempus the preferred partnerships between the participating countries, namely the 27 EU Member States and the 29 neighbouring countries and territories benefiting from the Programme. The objective is to highlight the privileged relations among the countries concerned as reflected in the composition of Tempus project consortia and try to distinguish categories of countries. The interpretation of the data available goes far beyond the ...
This deliverable outlines the results of a survey conducted as part of the WBC-INCO.NET project initiative to support innovation capacities in the WB region. The survey aimed to pinpoint both present and likely future research and market needs, as well as identify possibilities for collaboration in the region. The survey was carried out in two rounds, the second building on the results of the first. Two questionnaires were jointly designed by JRC-IPTS and Ivo Pilar. These addressed ...
33% WBC-INCO.NET Journal: Spring 2010 Document 26. Jan. 2012
  Dear readers, We are happy to present to you the 5th edition of the WBC-INCO.NET Journal on Co-ordination of Research Policies with the Western Balkan Countries, published on the occasion of the 8th meeting of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan countries on June 24 in Belgrade, Serbia. Following an update on the conclusions of the past Steering Platform meeting, we are presenting you the new European Commission and its focal points on page 2. Concerning news from ...
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