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On this page you can find progress reports on recent developments regarding S&T cooperation in/with/for the Western Balkan Countries for download. These reports have been provided by the members of the Steering Platform on Research for the Western Balkan Countries in preparation of the Platform Meeting taking place in Sarajevo on December 1, 2011. Please visit this page again if you are searching for a particular country report which is not available yet because further ...
Recommendation 13 of the White Paper reads as follows: Functional STI policy dialogue fora between the EU and EECA countries should be further advanced: It is suggested to policy stakeholders from EU MS, the European Commission, and EECA countries to assess present formats of STI policy dialogue among both regions in order to identify options for the dialogue to become more efficient and effective as well as to increase the active participation of the countries in both regions in such policy ...
The European Commission has specifically linked the development of entrepreneurial attitudes and behaviours to education and training. The development of a sense of initiative and entrepreneurship is one of the eight key competences recognised at EU level in the Key Competences Reference Framework. This study is an attempt to get a first impression on the level and type of activities taken at practitioner level to include entrepreneurship in teacher education. It is a pilot study that might ...
... Science at the University of Belgrade and the Norwegian Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFUSTEP) and the Centre for Education Policy. The purpose of the Knowledge Base is to gather and systematize information and data on higher education and research in the Western Balkan countries, i.e. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, and to act as a resource centre for researchers, policy makers, as well as other stakeholders, such as higher education institutions, students, general public etc., from the Western Balkans and beyond. ...
... links below to find out more on:   Eligible Participants The Application Procedure Frequently Asked Questions   More on Tempus       Tempus Information days for 5th Call for Proposals in WBC, 2011 & 2012 DATE LOCATION NTO/NCP CONTACT CONTACT DETAILS NOVEMBER 2011 8-9/11/2011 ALBANIA, Tirana Edit Dibra 18/11/2011 SERBIA, Belgrade Marija Filipovic Ozegovic 23/11/2011 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA, Sarajevo Suad Muhibic 28/11/2011 MONTENEGRO, Podgorica Vanja Drljevic DECEMBER 2011 01/12/2011 KOSOVO*, Mitrovica Goran ...
33% The Danube: A river of innovation News 6. Nov. 2011
Read about innovation and the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. The region hosts the most international river basin in the world, linking 14 countries and 115 million people. the Strategy provides specific opportunities. Work is already being done to make full use of the Danube's considerable research and innovation prospects, including smarter transport links, cheaper and more secure energy through better connections, and co-operation to minimise environmental risks and disasters. This issue ...
This deliverable outlines the results of a survey conducted as part of the WBC-INCO.NET project initiative to support innovation capacities in the WB region. The survey aimed to pinpoint both present and likely future research and market needs, as well as identify possibilities for collaboration in the region. The survey was carried out in two rounds, the second building on the results of the first. Two questionnaires were jointly designed by JRC-IPTS and Ivo Pilar. These addressed ...
Executive Summary The survey was carried out in two rounds, the second building on the results of the first. Two questionnaires were jointly designed by JRC-IPTS and Ivo Pilar. These addressed consecutively market and research stakeholders. Questionnaires aimed to identify research and innovation needs both of today and in the future in order to support the design of a joint action plan for the region towards 2030. A dedicated workshop shall take place in the near future with both industry and ...
... and promote energy efficiency, as Serbia’s economy consumes 2.7 times more energy per unit of output (GDP) than the OECD average. A framework energy efficiency law – covering energy efficiency of buildings, labeling of domestic appliances, etc. – has been drafted but has still to be approved. Albania Overall, the Albania 2011 Progress report (.PDF) concludes that progress in the energy sector has been very limited over the last year. There was some progress made in improving the security of supply, as the law requiring mandatory emergency oil stocks of 90 days of consumption entered into force on 1 January 2011 ...
... the public debate on the accession process through providing grants to local organisations and individuals with civil society background. WHO MAY APPLY: Individuals, citizens of these 3 countries, under 40 years old (including journalists and M.A. students in the last year of their studies) Civil society organizations registered in Albania, Macedonia or Montenegro (here all non-for-profit actors are eligible) THE PROJECT OUTPUTS SHOULD BE: Policy document At the beginning of the research period (February 2012), Pontis Foundation with BCSDN and member organizations will organize training for all grantees in policy paper writing in the applicants’ countries. BCSDN and the ...
31% News from News 2. Nov. 2011
... we prefer to discuss the region in its relation to the outside world,  we are very happy to have contributors from countries outside of the region- this also helps us to find more unique and interesting stories. At the moment, we especially seek more coverage on/from Turkey, Bulgaria, Albania and Greece, as well as transnational issues like Russian energy interests in the Balkans, human trafficking, trade relations with emerging powers, impact of technology and so on." In addition to contributors, is currently looking for more outside parties - from institutions to companies to government bodies - interested in ...
... the problematic Kosovo issue is Valeska Esch. In her article she raises the question if the EU is losing its influence in Kosovo. She demonstrates the difficulties caused by the different recognition practices and parallel UN/EU structures, in particular for Serbian neighborhood relations. Judith Hoffman analyzes electoral reforms in Albania as an example of the limits of Europeanization through institutional reforms. In Albania, the goal of “free and fair elections” has only partially been achieved, and the various regulations were exploited by parties for their own benefit. The next two articles deal with the implementation of minority rights in the region. While Henriette Heimbach examines the effectiveness of external democratization of ...
Deadline for submission: November 02, 2011 - if you are interested in taking part in the program, please contact Mr. Ljubisa Bojic as soon as possible. Further information on project proposal is provided in documents attached below. More information on Research and Education Program. Monitoring Media Addiction Levels and Media Unreality Index to Create Reality-Centered Media is available here: ...
The Catalogue of Research Groups from Moldova has been published in 2011 in the framework of a project titled “Establishment of an infrastructure which encourages the efficient participation of the scientific community from Moldova in the Seventh Framework Programme”. The project has been implemented with the support of the Supreme Council for Science and Technological Development of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (CSSDT of ASM), the Department of European Integration and ...
In the Catalogue of research groups from the Republic of Moldova you can find descriptions of competences and contact details of reserach groups, willing to foster partnerships in order to take part in FP7 projects. The document is structured along the lines of FP7 priorities and sub-programmes. The Catalogue of Research Groups from Moldova has been published in the framework of a project titled “Establishment of an infrastructure which encourages the efficient participation of the ...
The Ministry for Innovation, Information and Communication Technology of the Republic of Albania, the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) Secretariat and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are co-organizing this event. It will gather participants from all the eSEE Initiative members in the region. More information is provided at RCC website: Source: Email by RCC ...
Eligible Countries of Research: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (UNSCR 1244), Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania,  FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. In addition to engaging in research in the region, the IARO fellowship gives ...
The Conclusive Summary report summarises the seven reports on mapping of the innovation infrastructures that have been prepared in summer 2011 covering several important aspects of the National Innovation Systems (NIS) and presenting the status quo of innovation institutions and programmes in the Western Balkan Countries (WBC). This report provides a brief overview on the status quo of the innovation infrastructure landscape in the WBC countries as well as highlights the most noteworthy ...
... taken to improve mobility of scientists. The database of scientists working in the country has been updated, but the database of Albanian scientists working abroad still needs to be set up. Albania has nominated its observer delegates to all the ERA governance bodies, but is not attending on a regular basis due to lack of administrative capacity. The amount of investment in research is difficult to monitor due to the lack of reliable statistics on science and technology. Conclusion Overall, Albania has ...
... been taken to improve mobility of scientists. The database of scientists working in the country has been updated, but the database of Albanian scientists working abroad still needs to be set up. Albania has nominated its observer delegates to all the ERA governance bodies, but is not attending on a regular basis due to lack of administrative capacity. The amount of investment in research is difficult to monitor due to the lack of reliable statistics on science and technology. Conclusion Overall, Albania has ...
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