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The Agency for Electronic Communications was established under the Law on Electronic Communications (“Official Gazette no. 13/2005, 14/2007, 55/2007, 98/2008 and no. 83/2010) in 2005 as an independent regulatory body in the electronic communications markets of FYROM. For the purpose of regulating the electronic communications market in a systematic manner, the Agency has tightly defined objectives to be achieved. The Agency has directions to achieve the goals of a competitive market in which ...
... mobility of researchers in SEE: Challenges and driving forces” at the premises of the Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas in Thessaloniki, Greece. The aim of the event was to foster a policy dialogue between policy representatives from eight (8) Southeastern European (SEE) countries (Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Romania) so as to provide recommendations and guidelines to the respective governments for enhancing industry-academia collaboration and promoting inter-sectoral mobility of researchers at the respective countries ...
Professional qualifications and expert profile The external expert should have experience with the assessment of dissemination and communication activities in European funded projects. In addition, knowledge about funded projects from the Structural Funds and/or IPA would be an asset. For the assessment a distinction of the expected use of project results by different target groups in different target countries would be useful, therefore knowledge of the external expert about the specific ...
- The following documents are the inputs received after our call for contributions. - diverse authors
... success in FPs and a structured client approach. Thus, ERA WESTBALKAN+ will make the research potential of the Western Balkans both visible and accessible. The ERA WESTBALKAN+ project's main objective is to intensify the opening up of the ERA to the Western Balkan Countries (WBC) of Serbia, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Croatia as an ACC through trans-regional network building of research centres in WBC with their counterparts in Austria, Slovenia and Greece. ERA WESTBALKAN+ is ERA WESTBALKAN ...
... policies) ·         Sector Competitiveness ·         Trade and Macroeconomics The research should cover the South East Europe region or one or preferably more CEFTA 2006 Parties (Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Croatia, Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of Serbia and UNMIK/Kosovo). Work on other countries with strong implications for CEFTA 2006 would also be considered. Subject to certain eligibility criteria, the OECD Investment Compact will cover the travel and accommodation expenses of the presenters. Please send your abstract to Gabriel Boc ...
As a result of the long-standing scientific collaboration between the European Union and the Mediterranean Partner Countries, 168 FP7 projects are presently in place with an EU contribution close to EUR 430 million. There are 373 MPC participants in these projects. This publication has been prepared on the occasion of the "Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Research and Innovation: An agenda for a renewed partnership" organised by the Directorate General for Research and Innovation, in ...
... continuation of our high level dialogue.'' Source: Reference:  MEMO/12/187    Date:  15/03/2012 Statement of Commissioner Füle on March 15 in Skopje, on the occasion of the starting of the High Level Accession Dialogue with the government of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia ...
71% Metris Country Report - FYR Macedonia Document 21. Mar. 2012
The Social Sciences and Humanities are influential for all Member States and for the European Commission. METRIS is an initiative of the Directorate-General for Research (DG RTD), which aims to become an entry and reference point for the social sciences and humanities landscapes in Europe. Commissioned by the ERA Directorate of DG RTD and performed via the Metris-Network, it pursues the collection, regular updating, and analysis of information on social sciences and humanities at national and ...
36% Metris Country Report - Croatia Document 21. Mar. 2012
The Social Sciences and Humanities are influential for all Member States and for the European Commission. METRIS is an initiative of the Directorate-General for Research (DG RTD), which aims to become an entry and reference point for the social sciences and humanities landscapes in Europe. Commissioned by the ERA Directorate of DG RTD and performed via the Metris-Network, it pursues the collection, regular updating, and analysis of information on social sciences and humanities at national and ...
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