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Search past events in Albania.
The present manual deals with the need for a stronger connection between universities and industry in SEE, but also shows that many different types of cooperation between these stakeholders already exist. Eight country reports of national experts about different aspects of the current higher education sector as well as of the university-enterprise collaboration in each respective country were compiled. Each single report offers recommendations on how to improve the future cooperation in this ...
... to help Croatia close the accession negotiation process under our Presidency. It is equally important to move forward with Turkey as well, and to start negotiations on substance with Iceland. We welcome the reiteration by the European Commission of the recommendation for opening negotiations with [The Former Yugoslav Republic of] Macedonia. A recent decision to grant candidate status to Montenegro provides the right encouragement not only for Podgorica, but for the whole region as well. We strongly support Serbia’s integration efforts and we are pleased to see Belgrade’s membership application recently accepted. For Albania, the main goal ...
The Danube Region Strategy follows the welcome for the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, now being implemented. The Danube request, based on the Baltic experience, underlines an integrated approach to sustainable development. Synergies and trade-offs must be identified, e.g. developing cuttingedge green technology, working towards better alignment of policies and funding to improve impact on the ground, and overcoming fragmentation. The Commission, operating across many policy domains, ...
... Croatia will be a catalyst for the region, on its path to European integration. The President cited several challenges in the region including efforts to begin a dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, the political deadlock in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Albania, and the on-going dispute over the name of Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Mr Barroso pledged political, economic and financial support from the EU, toe country status to Serbia. Name debate, internal political stability, Kosovo Referring to the debate about the name of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Mr Orbán said, “This country has candidate country status, yet we cannot begin ...
... a funded JRP-Partner, or REG Home Organisation) located in a different country to the researcher’s employer. RMGs are open to many countries, but EURAMET particularly encourages applications from researchers in EURAMET countries which are not yet participating in the EMRP: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, FYR Macedonia, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, and Serbia. This aims to support EURAMET member countries building and furthering their capacity in metrology. RMG allowances include research & development allowance, contribution to the Guestworking Organisation’s overhead, living allowance, travel allowance and family allowance (where applicable) RMGs must be ...
... on new loans. The five countries agreed to ask for more IPA funding prior the membership which would allow them accelerate EU-related reforms. In exchange, post-accession assistance would decrease. Source SETIMES/BCSDN Email Alert Nr. 228. On April 4, EU aspirants Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia adopted a common stance regarding pre-accession assistance (IPA ...
... Western Balkans participated. So it is noted on page 80 for example Cuts up to 5% have been observed in many countries of Eastern and South Eastern Europe, including the Czech Republic (where the cut is estimated at 2-4% of public funding), Croatia, Serbia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Source: European University Association EUA EUA
... has made a significant impact on the lives of citizens in South East Europe (SEE) is the Visa Facilitation Agreement with the European Union (EU) which, at the end of the last year, entered into force in Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina, who thus joined The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia that entered the visa-liberalized regime a year earlier. The decisions on visa free access are based on the progress made by the countries concerned in implementing major reforms in areas such as strengthening the rule of law, combating organised crime, corruption and illegal migration, and improving ...
... CEEPUS unites universities from 15 Central and Eastern European countries in the framework of networks consisting of at least three higher education institutions from at least two different contractual countries. At present the following countries take part: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, FYR of Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovak Republic, Slovenia. Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244) with the University of Prishtina is also eligible for participation. Moldova will join the CEEPUS network as of 2011/2012. Conditions for application for students Students must have studied at least two semesters of the field ...
The Conference is building upon the conclusions reached at the International Conference on Overcoming Regional Disparities held in Ohrid, FYR of Macedonia, in 2010 which ended in adopting the Ohrid Agenda of Conference Resolutions. The overall objective of this Conference is to foster the process of bringing national policies in line with EU regional development polices, with the overall aim to reduce regional disparities and achieve stronger cohesion in all Europe. Mutual ...