Territorial Responsible Research and Innovation and Smart Specialization

The EU-funded TetRRIS project aims to promote responsible research and innovation (RRI) on the EU territorial level. First, the project will map and analyse territorial systems to understand the current role of RRI. Second, it will collaborate with stakeholders to create mechanisms and supporting elements to enhance RRI. Third, it will support the organisation of pilots to implement RRI. Fourth, it will help territorial actors to increase their knowledge and receive peer support from other regions. Eventually, the project will promote a dialogue between different levels of research and innovation governance on RRI.

Territories and regions have become during the last decades increasingly important sources of economic and innovation activity. Concurrently, environmental and social concerns have become increasingly important and there has been expanding discussion on the responsibility aspects of research and innovation especially on the European level. The project aims to implement RRI in the territorial level. For this end, various European regions are participating in the project. The regions are from different parts of Europe giving an opportunity to make visible and compare different politico-economic contexts and their effects on the implementation of RRI. The project will: a) Map and analyze the territorial systems to understand what is the current role of RRI, and what are the drivers and barriers for a RRI related transition; b) Co-create with the stakeholders mechanisms and supporting elements for the increasing implementation of RRI; c) Support the organization of the pilots in the implementation of RRI; d) Organize opportunities for territorial actors to learn and have peer support from other regions internationally; and e) Support dialogue between different levels of governance of research and innovation on RRI. As conceptual and theoretical frameworks to understand the functioning of the regional system and to support change in the system, the project will utilize innovation systems related theories together with theories of systemic and organizational change.


Grant agreement ID: 872550


Project type
  • H2020
Country of the coordinating institution
Geographical focus
  • Europe
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • General
September 2020 - August 2023

Entry created by Elke Dall on June 1, 2022
Modified on June 1, 2022