News archive - Event Announcement: Integration of EU Enlargement Countries into ERA

TÜBITAK will host an event on December 7-8, 2006 in Istanbul with the title "Integration of EU Enlargement Countries into European Research Area: Participation in EU Research Framework Programme (FP7)". Presentations of all Western Balkan countries and Turkey will be held on "Experience and Lessons-Learnt". "Recommendations for Research Administrators from EU and Enlargement Countries" are also expected as a result.

The programme for the event is available for download as attachment.

Update: An announcement has also been published on CORDIS. It provides more detail on the aim of the workshop which is to bring together the EU candidate countries and Western Balkan countries in search of a common ground in cooperating and participating in the EU research programmes. The final outcome will be the 'Second Common Ideas Paper' which will be presented to the European Commission.


Entry created by Elke Dall on November 15, 2006
Modified on November 16, 2006