News archive - [Live Streaming Link] Workshop on Proof of Concept (PoC) in South Eastern Europe, 21-22.9.2017

Next 21 and 22 September the JRC is organising a workshop on Proof of Concept (PoC) in South Eastern Europe in Trieste, Italy. The workshop intends to explore best practices in the creation and management of PoC support programmes and to consider possibilities for the creation of additional PoC support schemes in the region.


PoC support schemes would address the earliest and most risky element of the technology transfer funding cycle and enable researchers and PROs to validate discoveries and ease the process of maturing technologies to a point where alternative sources of investment (including private) become available. 

The conclusions of this meeting are also expected to feed into broader political developments, in particular in relation to the Berlin process.

Participants will include the European Investment Bank (along with the Fund) that plays a major role in the region through, among others, the Western Balkans Enterprise Development & Innovation Facility (WB EDIF).

You can follow the event via web streaming.


Proof of Concept financing (PoC) can facilitate the validation (prototype, demonstrator, proof of market, etc.) and assessment of commercialisation options for technologies developed within Public Research Organisations (PROs) and micro-enterprises/SMEs in South Eastern Europe.

The objective of providing PoC financing is to provide financial support to researchers to help them in successfully converting good research into good business. PoC funding is currently at a modest stage of development in South Eastern Europe and, in particular, in the Western Balkans.



Geographical focus
  • EC
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on September 21, 2017
Modified on September 21, 2017