9th Danube Participation Day

Event date
October 18, 2022
Short description

Resilience through Diversity: Involving Civil Society in the Danube Strategy

The 9th Danube Participation Day takes place on 18 October 2022, back-to-back with the 11th EUSDR Annual Forum.


In 2020, the European Commission published the revised Action Plan of the EU Danube Strategy. In doing so, the strategy not only took stock of its achieved goals and new challenges, the new Action Plan also marked a relaunch of collaboration with stakeholders from the public and the private sector from the local to the European/international level.

Systemic crises such as climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic or the war in Ukraine demonstrated in a drastic way, how essential cooperation is.

Hence, the 9th Danube Participation Day is dedicated to multi-sector stakeholder cooperation and aims at presenting good practices of stakeholder involvement and discussing what is needed for successful civil society involvement for a more sustainable and resilient future in the Danube Region.

Against this background, the 9th Danube Participation Day will discuss expectations of civil society/stakeholder involvement , success factors for civil society participation, and lessons learnt from over 10 years of experience with different ways of stakeholder involvement in the Danube Strategy.

The 9th Danube Participation Day will focus on:

  • Good Practices for Civil Society Involvement for a more resilient and prosperous future in the Danube Region
  • Multi-sector stakeholder cooperation for a sustainable reconstruction in post-war Ukraine

It also includes a training event on the use of EU funds.

For more information please see the source page of this announcement: https://capacitycooperation.danube-region.eu/events/9th-danube-participation-day/

Priority Area 10 “Institutional Capacity & Cooperation” | City of Vienna
info@pa10-danube.eu | www.capacitycooperation.danube-region.eu

Danube Civil Society Forum | Foster Europe
office@foster-europe.org | dcsf.danubestrategy.eu/


Geographical focus
  • Danube Macroregion
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General
Event type
  • Conference Danube Macroregion

Entry created by Admin WBC-RTI.info on August 22, 2022
Modified on October 17, 2022