Course on the Evaluation of Science and Innovation Policies offered by The Manchester Institute of Innovation Research

Event date
May 22-26, 2017
United Kingdom
Short description

The Manchester Institute of Innovation Research will be holding its annual professional development course on the Evaluation of Science and Innovation Policies on 22-26 May 2017.


The Manchester Institute of Innovation Research (MIoIR) is the research centre of excellence in the Manchester Business School (MBS) and The University of Manchester in the field of innovation and science studies. With more than 50 full members and a range of associated academics from across the University, MIoIR is Europe’s largest and one of the World’s leading research centres in this field. The Institute’s key strengths lie in the linkage and cross-fertilisation of economics, management and policy around innovation and science. Building on forty years of tradition in innovation and science studies, the Institute’s philosophy is to combine academic rigour with concrete practical relevance for policy and management. This includes broad engagement with and research for policy makers and societal and industrial stakeholders in the Manchester City Region, across the UK and internationally. MIoIR is also firmly committed to a range of teaching activities within and beyond MBS and integrates a strong and success ful PhD programme into its research activities. The Institute has a visitor programme for academics and management and policy practitioners and provides a range of popular and high level executive education courses on evaluation, foresight and S&T Policy

As a leading centre in the study of science, technology and innovation policy and evaluation methodologies, MIoIR is offering a residential professional development course on evaluation of science and innovation policies since the 1980s. Based on forty years of evaluation experience, a wealth of expertise will be invited, both from staff with practical experience of the conduct of evaluations, and from policy makers and practitioners. People coming from research organisations, government ministries, and agencies and engaged in all aspects of evaluation will be attending.

Deadline: 15 May

Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Giorgio Piccirillo on March 17, 2017
Modified on March 17, 2017