SEE Hub Training RRI Tools for business and industry - Responsible Innovation for responsible society

Event date
September 7, 2016
Short description

Center for the Promotion of Science is organizing a RRI Tools SEE Hub Training for business and industry  on Responsible Research and Innovation in Belgrade on September 7th. 


The training is aimed at SME entrepreneurs and research institutes that are market oriented, start-up hubs, regional chambers of commerce representatives, University research centers and other relevant organizations.

The training is organized in cooperation with the Chamber of commerce of Serbia.

The objectives of the trainings:

1) raising awareness of the growing demands for the implementation of RRI principles in entrepreneurship, both for positioning in the local market, but also when applying for EU funds;

2) providing the guidelines for practical implementation of responsible entrepreneurship - Introduction to RRI Tools platform.

Apart form the training, several project that are in line with the very idea of RRI will be presented by Innovation fund of Serbia, Chamber of Commerce etc.

For more information send an email to

Source: RRI Tools

Geographical focus
  • SEE
  • Serbia
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
  • General
Event type
  • Training

Entry created by Anna Sirocco on September 1, 2016
Modified on September 1, 2016