Diversification of Higher Education and the Changing Role of Knowledge and Research

This is a paper presented at the Second Scientific Committee Meeting for Europe and North America in Paris in 2004. The paper first presents changing structures of the higher education systems. Then it focuses on organising higher education in the knowledge society. It states that that national systems are exposed to a similar set of developments such as higher education expansion, the rise of ‘knowledge society’ and a changed understanding of the purpose of higher education and research. These developments may have profound effects on higher education and research in the future. It also deals with diversification of higher education systems and last but not the least the role of research in higher education.
Teichler, Ulrich; Bleiklie, Ivar; Rosenblit, Sarah; Sebkova, Helena; Rivzva, Baiba (2004): Diversification of Higher Education and the Changing Role of Knowledge and Research. Available from: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001467/146736E.pdf, accessed 1.3.2004.


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
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Entry created by Elke Dall on May 23, 2007
Modified on May 23, 2007