Survey and outcomes of cultural heritage research projects supported in the context of EU environmental research programmes

The EC has published a survey of outcomes of cultural heritage research projects supported in the context of EU environmental research programmes. The publication contains details of cultural heritage research projects supported under the fifth, sixth, and seventh Framework Programme until 2010. The survey investigated the global impact of these projects, looking at the type of involved organisations and their networks in the involved EU Member States, Associated Countries and Third Countries, the typology of activities undertaken, the political, economic and social impact, and gender issues.

The survey found that, as a result of effective networking within and between consortia, a European research community in the field of cultural heritage preservation has been created. In addition to this positive outcome, the survey found that there is room for improvement in a few areas. For example, the reviewers feel that there is still significant fragmentation in this research area: it is therefore recommended that efforts need to be made in order to improve transnational and international communication and co-ordination of research, including strengthening links with policy and user needs. This would enable project results to be disseminated to the widest possible circle of end-users.



Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • International; Other

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on January 26, 2012
Modified on January 26, 2012