SEE-ERA.NET Report on the Outcome of the Mobility Workshop for Young Scientists with Relevant Stakeholders in SEE and EU

"The deliverable D.6.1 “Report on the outcome of the mobility conference for Young Scientists with relevant stakeholders in SEE and EU” is one of the results of WP6: Implementation of a SEE-ERA.NET Regional Programme for Cooperation with South-East Europe (ReP-SEE). The main purpose of the work package is to develop a ReP-SEE and in particular, following the previous activities, to develop a specific programme targeting the young scientists and the development of their carrier linked to their mobility into ERA. One of the instruments envisaged by WP6 is the Young Scientists Programme which was planned to take shape after several working group meetings. One of these meetings took place in Timisoara, April, 2009 and it is the object of this report."


Anca Ghinescu; Report on the outcome of the mobility workshop for Young Scientists with Relevant stakeholders in SEE and EU. Results of Timisoara Workshop for Mobility, Bukarest 2009.



Publication Year




Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • SEE

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on August 27, 2009
Modified on August 27, 2009