FP7 Priručnik “Kako pretvoriti svoje ideje u europske projekte?” (Croatian version)

Priručnik “Kako pretvoriti svoje ideje u eurospke projekte” je vodič kroz Sedmi okvirni program Europske unije za istraživanje i razvoj (FP7). Priručnik je izrañen u sklopu EU BALKAN FABNET projekta, specifičnog projekta za potporu (Specific Support Action) kojeg financira Šesti okvirni program EU (FP6).

The general objective of this handbook is to help the participation of researchers from Western Balkans Countries in agri-food research projects under the FP7. Written for agri-food researchers, this guide provides the necessary information to set up a FP7 project corresponding to researchers needs (individual trainings, capacity increase or research projects).

NB: This publication is available in all official languages of the Western Balkans. A link to the English version of this publication is provided below.


EU-BALKAN-FABNet (Ed.), FABNET FP7 HandBook: How to turn your ideas into European projects, n.d., n.p. (croatian version).



Publication Year




Geographical focus
  • Croatia
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Katarina Rohsmann on December 4, 2009
Modified on December 4, 2009