Economics: from International Assistance toward Self-Sustaining Growth

This is an article written by dr. Milica Uvalic. The author states that the economies of South Eastern Europe (SEE) - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia, Macedonia and Romania - today face a number of problems which are different from other transition economies, both in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). She presents the indigenous weaknesses of SEE economies. She also writes about preparing SEE for EU Membership and gives some policy recommendations. In the end some statistical data are added.
Uvalic, Milica (2003): Economics: from International Assistance toward Self-Sustaining Growth. Available from: Economics: from International Assistance toward Self-Sustaining Growth, accessed 19.8.2005.


Publication Year


Milica Uvalic
Geographical focus
  • SEE
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Entry created by Elke Dall on May 24, 2007
Modified on May 24, 2007