Transnational Cooperation Programme for a moving European area in transition on the way to integration

The Transnational Cooperation Programme South East Europe is part of the new Objective 3 European Territorial Cooperation for the programming period 2007-2013. General aim of transnational cooperation is to foster a balancned territorial development and territorial integration within the cooperation area. The Programme is not only the part of EU-Cohesion Policy affecting the Member States but also a component in the framework of Pre-Accession Assistance and the European Neighbourhood Policy strengthening ties with partners on both side of EU borders. The programme area includes 17 countries with a total population of 269 million and presents one of the most divers and complex transnational cooperation areas in Europe.
 (2007): Transnational Cooperation Programme for a moving European area in transition on the way to integration. Available from:, accessed 01.06.2007.


Publication Year


CADSES transnational cooperation
Geographical focus
  • SEE

Entry created by Elke Dall on June 1, 2007
Modified on June 1, 2007