"EU-Balkan countries Cooperation in Science and Technology" SHARED VISION

The document deals with "EU – Balkan Countries Cooperation in Science and Technology". It states that the five states of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro and F.Y.R. of Macedonia are in the process of coming out of the political and ecomomic instability experienced because of previous crisis situations. It promotes cooperation based on on mutual
understanding and in the perspective of full participation of the Balkan region in the European Research Area (ERA) and therefore the European RTD activities and networks, as soon as possible. It also sets some goals that should be achieved. To achieve the common goals agreed by the EU Member States, candidate countries and the countries of the region, an Action Plan is elaborated.
Greek Research and Innovation Information Centre (2003): "EU-Balkan countries Cooperation in Science and Technology" SHARED VISION. Available from: ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/greece/docs/eu_balkan_sharedvision_030627.pdf, accessed 12.9.2006.


Publication Year


Greek Research and Innovation Information Centre
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans

Entry created by Elke Dall on May 23, 2007
Modified on May 23, 2007