Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Academic and Business Sector in the Republic of Serbia

In order for science and technology policies to more effectively address the challenges related to insufficient academia-industry cooperation, which is still very present in the Republic of Serbia, it is necessary to gain a full understanding of different ways of interactions and types of cooperation
between the two sectors. Research subject of this dissertation is the examination of the factors influencing the establishment and intensity of academia-industry cooperation in the Republic of Serbia, as well as the exploration of the structural characteristics of research and innovation
networks. The main goal of the dissertation is to discover the main characteristics and examine the general patterns of academia-industry cooperation in the area of research and innovation.
By using analysis and synthesis as research methods, the key factors that influence the academia- industry cooperation were identified, and by implementing regression analysis, their impact on the intensity of the academia-industry cooperation in the Republic of Serbia was examined. In addition, the results of social network analysis on the structural characteristics of networking showed that the academic sector has a central function in the network structure and has a crucial function in the process of knowledge transfer and information flows in research and innovation networks.
The research conducted in this dissertation is an important step towards a better understanding of the academia-industry cooperation in the Republic of Serbia. In addition to the scientific contribution of the research results that are related to empirical validation and disproval of previous
research results and theoretical contribution to the existing literature, the particular importance of the dissertation is reflected in the implementation of a new methodological approach to assess the intensity of the academia-industry cooperation which has significant potential for application in the
field of science and innovation policy.

The document attached in in Serbian Language


PhD Dissertation thesis
Author: Dr. Lazar P. Zivkovic
Mentors: Prof. Dr. Đuro Kutlača, scientific advisor, Mihajlo Pupin Institute Prof. Dr. Viktor Nedović, full professor, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade


Document type
  • Research paper


Publication Year


Author: Dr. Lazar P. Zivkovic
Geographical focus
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Admin on November 2, 2022
Modified on August 9, 2023