Pre-commercial Procurement: Driving innovation to ensure sustainable high quality public services in Europe

This document is published in 2007, however it can be considered as basic document related to this topic. 


The Communication on a "broad based innovation strategy for the EU" highlighted the importance of public procurement in reinforcing the innovation capabilities of the Union whilst improving the quality and efficiency of public services. It also underlined the untapped opportunities in Europe for pre-commercial procurement. In its conclusions on the above Communication2, Council invited the Commission to provide guidance on how EU rules on public procurement can be used to stimulate innovation. The European Parliament's resolution of June 2007 on the transposition and implementation of public procurement legislation3 encouraged the wider use of pre-commercial procurement in the EU (...)

Document type
  • Practical Advice/Guide


Publication Year


Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on June 13, 2017
Modified on June 13, 2017