Overview of TACSO achievements 2009 - 2013

The European Union (EU) funded project Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations (TACSO) has for four years (2009-2013) worked on the main objective to strengthen the overall capacities and accountability of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) within the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) beneficiaries and to guarantee the quality of services of CSOs and a sustainable role of CSOs in the democratic process.

The TACSO project has implemented a number of activities since 2009, which can be grouped around the project’s four main components:

1. Project and CSO visibility;
2. Support services to CSOs: research, help desk and guidance;
3. Development of CSO’s capacities; and
4. Improvement of the cooperation of CSOs with the government and other stakeholders.

The purpose of this report is to capture and reflect on what has been achieved within the project’s set objectives, in regards to the national and regional context. The information presented in the report has been compiled from quarterly and interim reports, which were developed during the project implementation on a regular basis; and from other reports, surveys and evaluations carried out by external short-term experts hired
by TACSO. It is important to mention that the report is written six months before the end of the project so not all activities or achievements are included in the report.

Document type
  • Deliverable – other projects
  • Report


Publication Year


Jasenka Perovic
Geographical focus
  • Western Balkans
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • General

Entry created by Desiree Pecarz on July 30, 2013
Modified on July 30, 2013