The plan for the use and dissemination of foreground in FP7

The European Union (EU) promotes research activities with the purpose of strengthening the scientific and technological bases of the EU. In this way, the Union ensures sustainable growth, more and better jobs, as well as industry competitiveness. A cornerstone objective of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) is therefore to ensure a wide use and dissemination of the knowledge generated, thereby promoting further scientific developments, maximising the impact of the funding granted in the market and demonstrating the added value of projects.

In most FP7 projects there are therefore several rules concerning the use and dissemination of foreground, including the need to submit to the European Commission (EC) at the end of the project a plan for the use and dissemination of foreground (PUDF). A careful plan of the dissemination activities and the use to be made of the project’s foreground should however be seen as more than a simple obligation, but instead an essential step to pave the way for the research from the labs to the market.

The purpose of the present fact sheet is to outline the purpose and scope of the PUDF. Practical hints and best practices will be provided whenever possible, but keep in mind that there are no two similar PUDFs in FP7 - each PUDF must be tailored to each project.

Source: IPR Helpdesk

Document type
  • Other


Publication Year


IPR Helpdesk
Geographical focus
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • FP7
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on January 16, 2013
Modified on January 16, 2013