Commission staff working document: Towards enhanced patent valorisation for growth and jobs

The European Commission services have produced a Staff Working Document to serve as a basis for future discussions with other EU Institutions and beyond on the need to enhance patent valorisation. The Staff Working Document presents and analyses the major obstacles European companies, mainly SMEs, have to face in valorising existing patents, especially ‘dormant patents’. While describing the current European initiatives aimed at addressing issues in this area, it also outlines short- to medium- and long-term options for making better use of "dormant patents".

The main purpose of this Staff Working Document (SWD) is to serve as a basis for future discussions among the Commission, the Council and the European Parliament on the need to enhance patent valorisation for growth and jobs. To this end, it presents and analyses the major obstacles European companies, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), have to face in valorising existing patents, especially ‘dormant patents’. While describing the current European initiatives aimed at addressing issues in this area, it also outlines short- to medium- and long-term options for making better use of intellectual property.

Source: IPR Helpdesk

Document type
  • Other


Publication Year


European Commission
Geographical focus
  • International; Other
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Danaja Lorencic on January 8, 2013
Modified on January 8, 2013