[Success stories] Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSME) in Serbia

Scientific literacy for all children - Renewed Pedagogy for the future

"Having in mind the science teaching in Serbian schools and the bad results of our students in the PISA test, we had the vision to change the situation in science education and founded our project “Ruka u testu” in 2001. Inspired by the experience in other countries like USA with Hands-on, France with La main à la pâte, Sweden with NTA, China with Learning by doing, recently Great Britain with XXI Century Science, we started and continue to introduce our Hands-on approach via Ruka u testu (La main à la pâte), Serbian program aiming at renovating science education in elementary and low-secondary schools." [...]

Read the whole story in the document attached below.


Stevan Jokić, Prof., Senior researcher in Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Vinča Institute, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia

Document type
  • Other


Publication Year


Stevan Jokic
Geographical focus
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary

Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on October 31, 2012
Modified on October 31, 2012