Call: Pilot a joint European degree label

Publication date
June 15, 2022
October 6, 2022
Short description


The general objective of this call for proposals is to test and explore deeper transnational cooperation instruments to further develop a genuinely European dimension in the higher education sector, built on shared values, as mentioned in the European strategy for universities presented by the Commission on 18 January 2022 and as confirmed in the Council Conclusions on a European strategy empowering higher education institutions for the future of Europe and the Council recommendation on building bridges for effective European higher education cooperation, adopted on 5 April 2022.

The specific objective of this topic is to allow alliances of higher education institutions  and national authorities to examine, test and facilitate the delivery of a joint European degree label, based on a common set of co-created European criteria5 (see Call Annex). The aim is to encourage, where appropriate, and make it easier for higher education institutions engaged in transnational cooperation, to provide joint programmes and award joint degrees, in accordance with the Bologna instruments, as well as to take further steps to recognise the value of innovative transnational learning experiences and to increase the visibility, attractiveness and reputation, both in Europe and beyond, of joint programmes provided by alliances of European higher education institutions.

This includes:

  • Exploring and testing the relevance of these criteria for establishing a label which acknowledges the European and transnational experiences in a joint transnational programme leading to a higher education qualification at all levels (European Qualification Frameworks – EQF – (level 6, 7, 8) and the feasibility of their use;
  • Exploring and recommending possible optimisation of the proposed set of criteria in view of maximizing the attractiveness and potential impact of such a joint European degree label;
  • Elaborating proposals, in cooperation with the relevant national, regional and/or institutional authorities, aiming to facilitate the development and implementation of joint degrees in Europe. This would include proposing an approach that could be commonly agreed on for the delivery of joint degrees based on co-created European criteria by European countries at all education levels. These proposals should take into account the existing instruments developed by the Bologna Process, such as e.g. the European approach for quality assurance of joint programmes, and reflect on the potential need for updating these tools.

The testing is expected to take place on a significant sample of existing joint programmes implemented by alliances and other consortia of higher education institutions (such as European Universities alliances, Erasmus Mundus consortia, Marie Skłodowska-Curie consortia and other types of transnational cooperation partnerships), in close cooperation with relevant national, regional and/or higher education institutions authorities.


This call will allow alliances of higher education institutions and national authorities to examine, test and facilitate, on a voluntary basis, the delivery of a joint European degree label, based on common criteria. Later on, the possible design and delivery, on a voluntary basis, at national, regional or institutional level, of joint degrees at all levels, based on these co-created European criteria, could be envisaged, in accordance with the existing instruments of the Bologna Process.

Expected impact

The proposed pilot projects are expected to lead to significant results and impacts in terms of:

  • Improved knowledge and evidence base in the field of design and implementation of transnational joint degree programmes with potentially high systemic impact in the higher education ecosystem;
  • Demonstrated European added value by identifying and sharing good practices and lessons on how to develop high quality and recognised joint degree programmes at all levels, and in all fields and disciplines, compliant with a common set of co-created European criteria;
  • Ensured transferability of conclusions by testing the applicability of a common approach for the delivery of transnational joint degree programmes in different national contexts;
  • Ensured scalability by involving a wide range of actors, including those facing barriers in the delivery of joint degree programmes, and by proposing recommendations for the possible design and delivery, on a voluntary basis, at national, regional or HEI level, of joint degrees at all levels, based on the co-created European criteria.
Geographical focus
  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • European Union (EU 27)
  • International; Other
  • Kosovo*
  • Montenegro
  • Republic of North Macedonia
  • Serbia
Scientifc field / Thematic focus
  • Social Sciences

Entry created by Admin on July 27, 2022
Modified on July 27, 2022