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... Kurz praised the European perspective of Montenegro as well as Serbia, estimating that it looks “better than ever”. A number of panel discussions took place at the conference. The participants of the panel “Economic and European perspective for the Balkans” were Prime Ministers of the Western Balkans countries: Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia. They expressed great interest in enhancing European and regional economic cooperation and harmonization of market regulations. Source     The two-day annual  economic conference was entitled “Balkan and European union — a five-year cycle of the Berlin Process” and was held in Budva, on 25 and 26 October ...
... The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has identified a first value project to be presented at the meeting - a collaboration on exchange of educational and other data essential for starting the Openness agenda and build prosperity of citizens of the WB6 (Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Slovenia). The project addresses the essential challenge of research and innovation in the knowledge economy that lies in the knowledge/technology transfer from R&D to the commercial world. The operation of this innovation value chain is not well-developed in Europe, and particularly underdeveloped in Western ...
... from DG Grow, who highlighted several new policy initiatives notably the forthcoming ESCP’s for smart specialisation investments and announced the next Grow your region event in Valencia (8-9 November). Mr Constantinos Michailides, the Head of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Directorate of the event host region, the Region of Central Macedonia presented an overview of the role of clusters in the regional strategy. A policy round table ensued where Region and Member State representatives (Region of Central Macedonia, Croatia and Hungary) presented an overview of the role of clusters in the regional and/or national strategy, with the intervention of a ...
... of Japan and the Regional Youth Cooperation Office are implementing the youth exchange “Western Balkans meet Japan: A Bridge into the Future”, on 30 October to 7 November 2018, and invites 17 undergraduate or graduate students aged from 20 to 30 years old, coming from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, to apply for a great opportunity of personal and professional growth. Introduction The program aims to deepen participants’ understanding of Japan and its policy, to increase knowledge and promote mutual understanding through intellectual and cultural exchange, and build a basis for future friendship and cooperation between Japan ...
The Berlin Process (Western Balkans Summit) has kept enlargement on the EU agenda and the interest for the EU in the Western Balkans. This Process bridged a political (and even technical) standstill in the enlargement process, which started in 2014 and ended in 2018. It served as an inspiration and provided substance to the new incentive offered by the European Commission to the Western Balkan countries in February 2018 - ‘A credible enlargement perspective for and enhanced EU engagement with ...
... and spend the first year at the chosen home university (Graz or Belgrade). In the second year, students spend at least one semester on mobility at a partner university. The list of partner universities includes:  Babes-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca (Romania) Central European University (Hungary) South East European University, Tetovo (Macedonia)  Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje (Macedonia)  University of Bologna (Italy)  University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) University of Novi Sad (Serbia) University of Regensburg (Germany) University of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)  University of Zagreb (Croatia)  Students from Graz can also spend their mobility semester in Belgrade and those from Belgrade in Graz.  Why ...
... The Fellowship Programme will provide 20 scholarships for civil servants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. The Fellows will spend three months in the countries of the European Union, where they will gain work practice in the federal or state government agencies of the host countries, receive tailor-made training through specifically designed seminars and experience national/international and intercultural exchange. The programme will ...
The support covers travel expenses and accommodation. Please find attached the documents explaining the procedure of application and the  Service Specific Privacy Statement. Please find below attached more information. The deadline for applying is September 6th. In the frameworks of its Enlargement & Integration Initiative,  the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission is offering pre-paid travel and accommodation to researchers/experts from Albania, Bosnia and ...
... in Western Balkan countries' innovation landscape? Innovation policy has gained prominence in the Western Balkans in the last two years. Serbia and Montenegro have established holistic innovation strategies, with Serbia establishing a ministerial-level council to co-ordinate innovation policy in Serbia, while the innovation fund of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has started operation. Kosovo* has taken steps towards drafting an innovation law. The first venture capital fund in the region – South Central Ventures, established under the Enterprise Innovation Fund  – has realised its first eight portfolio investments in the region. Incubator infrastructure has expanded to all six Western Balkan economies ...
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