RTDI Evaluation Standards (English version)
The evaluation standards aim to contribute to the improved implementation and exploitation of Research, Technological Development and
Innovation (RTDI) measures by promoting meaningful evaluation procedures to foster strategic intelligence building and evidence-based decision-making in the fi eld of science, technology and innovation (STI) policy. They address:
- authorities commissioning RTDI evaluations (often ministries in charge of research, technological development and innovation and their respective measures, programmes and policies);
- evaluators carrying out RTDI evaluation studies;
- organizations and stakeholders subjected to evaluations, such as funding agencies, public research organizations, universities or intermediary organizations (e.g. technology transfer offi ces, technology and science parks, and innovation centres etc.).
The evaluation standards provide information about the purposes and characteristics of evaluations in the fi eld of STI. They introduce an internationally acknowledged terminology and evaluation theory framework, guide users in practical issues concerning governance, conduct and use of RTDI evaluations.
Additionally, they provide many practical hints on how to plan and implement evaluations, including the writing of Terms of References (ToR) to procure external RTDI evaluations and the structuring of meaningful evaluation reports, to mention just a few.
The publishing of RTDI evaluation standards is motivated by the complexity and heterogeneity of research and innovation systems, which requires ERDF and IPA countries to possess strategic intelligence in order to design, implement and follow-up RTDI measures at diff erent spatial levels (local, national, regional and European) by addressing issues of relevance, effi ciency, effi cacy, impact and sustainability.
Standards are published in several languages - please see below for language selection.
- Report
- Western Balkans
- Cross-thematic/Interdisciplinary
Entry created by Ines Marinkovic on September 1, 2015
Modified on September 1, 2015